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Additional Information

Types of Cases

The Disability Law Center may be able to help you if you are a person with a disability and have a legal issue related to the disability. Contact us for help by filling out our Online Intake Form, or by calling our main line at 907-565-1002 (in Anchorage) or 1-800-478-1234 (Toll-free Statewide). You can find out more about our intake process on our Intake Page.

The following are examples of issues/problem areas generally pursued by the Disability Law Center:

We typically refer Housing questions to the Fair Housing Project through Alaska Legal Services.

Within available resources and consistent with agency priorities* and case selection factors, the Disability Law Center may:

*Priorities are established each year, in part based upon public comment.

The following are examples of issues/problems NOT pursued by the Disability Law Center:


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3330 Arctic Blvd, Suite 103
Anchorage, AK 99503

Phone: 1.800.478.1234
Fax: 907.565.1000